Typed Cypher is a TypeScript library for analyzing Cypher query in the compile-time type system.
import { Params } from "typed-cypher";
type Q = "MATCH (n:Person {name: $name})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie {title: $title}) RETURN n.`$id`, m";
type P = Params<Q>;
// ^? type P = { name: unknown; title: unknown; }
It now supports MATCH
, and RETURN
import { Vars } from "typed-cypher";
type Q = "PROFILE MATCH (person:Person)-[r]->(other:Person:Public {prop: 123}) WITH *, r AS x, type(r) AS types RETURN *";
type V = Vars<Q>;
// ^? type V = {
// person: Node;
// other: Node;
// r: Relationship;
// x: Relationship;
// types: Unknown;
// }
is just a type alias of Vars
, so it supports the same clauses.
The only difference is that it will escape the ` in keys.
import { Returns } from "typed-cypher";
type Q = "MATCH (n:Person {name: $name})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie {title: $title}) RETURN n.`$id`, m";
type R = Returns<Q>;
// ^? type R = { "n.$id": unknown; m: Node; }
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