- ONE<To>(to: To): RelationShape<false, To, [], Empty>
- ONE<To, Labels>(to: To, labels: Labels): RelationShape<false, To, Labels, Empty>
Type Parameters
To extends string
Labels extends readonly string[]
- ONE<To, Props>(to: To, props: Props): RelationShape<false, To, [], Props>
Type Parameters
To extends string
Props extends Record<string, PropValue>
Returns RelationShape<false, To, [], Props>
- ONE<To, Labels, Props>(to: To, labels: Labels, props: Props): RelationShape<false, To, Labels, Props>
Type Parameters
To extends string
Labels extends readonly string[]
Props extends Record<string, PropValue>
to: To
labels: Labels
props: Props
Returns RelationShape<false, To, Labels, Props>